Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fan-made Synopsis of Yandamuri's "Vennello Aadapilla" translated in English

Title: Vennello aadapilla (The girl under the moonlight)
Language: Telugu
Genre: Romance
Only 118 minutes is left before the deadline she gave him to find her phone number. The aircraft is about to get ready for it’s take-off on the runway. Just then an idea flashed before him.

The result is ...?

The moving plane stopped. Announcements were made over mike repeatedly for him. But he is dialing phone leisurely. Total telephone department was cast a net to find her number. Does he find her (No.) finally, even at the last moment...?

A fragile fight between a chess champion and an Oxford girl -

From fairly small puzzles to the Pythagoras theory -

With a handy use of telephone department as a backdrop -

A novel which puts you suspense every minute and leaves an eternal mellifluous feel in your mind after.

(This novel was serialized in Doordarshan (DD) channel in 1996, directed by the same author, who received Nandi Award in ‘Best director’ category. Later on, it was made in to film ‘Hello, I Love You’.)

Character description and alternate synopsis:
Revanth is a world chess champion, often ignored of his victories by his own country people. One day a girl introduces herself as a fan of him over phone. She doesn't give her name or phone number, but leaves small clues to find her. She writes him elaborate letters about herself, her interests, which are quite poetic and intelligently written. His curiosity piques.The search to find her thus begins. In one of the letters, she ends as ‘mee- Vennello aadapilla’ literally translated as ‘your- Girl under the Moonlight’. Side story is also equally interesting. James, a good friend of Revanth, is a materialistic guy on surface, but benevolent and sensitive underneath. He gets introduced to Sulochana, a telephone operator, while helping Revanth to find his girl’s phone number. He proposes to her after their first meet. But fate has another thought. A deep secret is buried inside her, still she accepts his proposal.  Under her companionship, James slowly starts opening up to her. Will the hidden secrets be revealed? What awaits for them at the end?

(Disclaimer: This is only a fan-made English translation of synopsis of My favorite author's book. I suggest you to purchase the book, if you can read Telugu. This translation is only for those international readers who are unable to read/understand Telugu.  If any objectionable content is there, please leave a comment.) 


  1. i need ur help right now ..!!
    plzz help me .. give me the summary of the novel " vennelo adapilla " plzzz i need it. plzz help me for this time .... its a kind request to u ..plzz accept it

    1. I have that novel do you want 9985579486 ill send pdf

    2. Is this novel available in English?
