Sunday, November 16, 2014

Best sequel ever..‘It takes a man and woman’

I am never a fan of sequels which most of the times don’t reach our expectations. In such situations I feel why they even make us to read/watch and destroy the pleasant feeling left by the initial hit version. But this is not the case of ‘It takes a man and woman,’ a sequel to ‘A very special love’ and ‘You changed my life’. If I say it is even better than its prequel, trust me, how much I got to love this, to say this sentence? I like John Lloyd Cruz, just not only because he resembles my boyfriend, but also he got such an innocent and expressive face, so one can connect with all the roles he played in. 

I followed most Sarah Geronimo’s movies as she is one of the best actresses filippino industry got. Whatever role she played, she always succeeds in bringing  tears out. However, it is a feast if  both of them are the leads. It is explosive! I think that’s what made all these sequels a big hit and I want a little more from them in the future. 'A very special love' is one of the best romances ever I had in my list, though it’s successor didn't interested me much, it is not bad either! This story ‘It takes a man and woman’ takes us to a next level, picturising betrayal, a changed persona, and forgiveness. Few dialogues here and there moved me and they are such good words that are useful for our real life that no one should ignore.

Golden words here..
People ask me what I left as my legacy?
My son said he wants to be the best!
And then - that moment  I realized what I want my son to become..
I just want him to be a good man.
Be good in the face of failure..
Sometimes being the best means being the least.
Be good even after you made a mistake..
Sometimes being good just boils down to being able to say “sorry”
Sometimes being good is loving the people who hurt you.
And making the most difficult choices that may hurt the people you love.
More often than not, we aspire to be on top..but we fail to be noble.
We lose sight of the fact that every day is a struggle to just be better.
Being good is what kept my family together.
Being good is what built and sustained this company.
Being good is what will move it forward.
For the future of our children,
And for our children’s children.
It’s not that easiest..
But that is probably the best legacy that a person can leave behind.
To always believe in goodness.
And just be a good man.

I loved the moving  ten minute lengthy climax.. with that song every one singing ..leading to our hero, that was one of the best proposals at airport ever. The scene where Sir Miggy apologizes to Laida’s parents for hurting their precious daughter for all the pain he has caused and wanted to set things right for her.. awe!... I am willing to do everything to qualify as her husband.. double awe!!
Most of our Telugu movies portray the parents of the girl as villains or buffoons who doesn't want their child to be happy and in powerful monologue continues how parents are opposed to love. But in reality they just don't want their child to get hurt and desire to protect their child like a mother hen before and after giving off her hand. I most welcome if a Telugu movie comes out with hero apologizing to parents and requesting in giving her hand rather than demanding/eloping.

“All my life pursuit has been always to be the best, to be number one.
And now all I want for you to feel that..
You are number one for me..
And that  you will always be my only one
I love you, I love you Laida Magdaalas!!
And this is the man I wanted to be..
And for the first time in my life, I wanna be the last..
I wanna be the last man you’ll ever love.. Laida!
Can I be that man?” --- awwhh.. butterflies in my stomach John Lloyd.. Even I agree for that touching proposal..

“ My first and Last?
Hmm.. You are hired..” – that was the most awesome reply!!

And finally the voice over at the wedding—
“Our fairy tale type of love story was not as easy as we thought. I gave up many times. It took a while before I realize that..there’s no such thing as instant happy ending. And then I realized, that I failed to understand the true meaning of unconditional love. Of love that I always thought that I perfectly had for you.”

“Five years ago, during one of the worst days of my life.. when everyone was walking out on me..
A girl walked into my life. And.. I never thought that that day.. I never thought at that time.. my future wife was standing in front of me!”

“Forgive me for the times I gave up on you. I have learned that in loving have to accept the good..the bad..the sadness..and the pain.”

“Today I am standing in front of the girl who knows what she is getting herself into.. A girl.. who doesn’t just want a happily ever after.. but a girl who chooses to have a reality-ever-after with you. And I can only imagine doing anything else but love and serve you all my life. I can’t wait to open my eyes tomorrow morning, because it is you, my dear husband, who will greet me good companion in life, the one I will love forever!!”

“Today I realized I won’t be making any vows for my wedding. No..because this is not the day for promises. Today I stand in front of you.. in complete surrender. I have no worries, I have no fear, because I know..and I know because I am sure.. and I am sure because I am Yours!!”

  - Laida and Miggy version 3.0

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