Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ways to celebrate Birthday

Yesterday, it was the birthday of a friend of mine. Just to wish him luck, I had gone through the trouble to search sites over Google to text cute messages and such, and then in a moment of flash my memory clicked on a certain video showd once by my partner.
Here is the link (Disclaimer: This link is not to support any channel and only just for the sake of people who are interested.) in case anyone
wanted to watch it. The number of views is quite low obviously, as the video is in regional language, Telugu. I just translated and mentioned few appropriate Sanskrit/Sanskrit derived Telugu words or meanings shown in parentheses for the sake of greater audience.


Over the time, there are few things to be necessarily remembered and should be performed. Birthday is one of such things. One shouldn’t say, “I don’t celebrate birthdays”. Everybody should celebrate it. The ancient law book of Hindus (called ‘Shastra”) determined a way (Vidhi) for this. Birthdays are to be celebrated in a particular method. 
The person whose birthday to be celebrated should wake up at the rise of the dawn and do “Abhyangana Snanam”, meaning applying the oil all over the body from head to toe and take bath. This is to remove toxins and perform cleansing. Before to do Abhyangana Snanam, it is a tradition that the elders of the house place their hand over the head in a blessing mode and stroke gently on the back (technically Spinal chord). After the cleanse, worshipping (“Aradhana”) the Home deity/their cherished deity (Istha Devatha) is a must. Next, a mixture of three substances, a piece of jaggery (Bellam), black til seeds (Nalla nuvvulu) also called sesame seeds, in cow milk should be taken thrice in the hand as if performing “achamanam” (joining the thumb and pointing finger and placing palm upside) all the while sitting silently facing toward east. The hidden message is to avoid any obstacles (Gandam/Ganda kalam) before the next birthday arrival. Later, a hymn should be reminisced (Smaran) or recited aloud in order to remember the seven (Sapta) immortal (Chiranjeevi)s by birth, namely Ashwaththama, Bali,  Vyasa, Vibhishana, Hanuma, Krupacharya, and finally Parashurama. On this day, greeting their parents and teachers (Guruvu) (Namaskar, meaning joining both the palms while both the thumbs touching the heart) and take blessings (Aasheervachanam) from them is compulsory. Visiting (Dharshan) a nearby temple (Devalayam) is mandatory. Eating delicious food (Mrishnanna Bhojanam) for satisfaction (either for physical or soulful) is allowed, but avoid all other materialistic or worldly deeds (Bramhacharya deeksha) at night. Depending upon his zeal, should give alms (Daanamu) and do his duties (Dharmam) towards the needy. Wealthier persons can give monetary alms or otherwise at least should feed handful of green grass (Go grasam) to cow (‘Go’ Maata (Hindus treat cow as holy deity and mother)) and rotate around (Pradakshina) and perform a Namaskar to it.  

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